Lady Liberty
A wife and mother of three. An American in Germany. Not sure how I got here.

Neopets and My kid's teacher

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Neopets is doing a new plot. So yesterday I was getting up to speed. GTH is also up-to-date on his account also.

GTH's teacher decided to take the kids to see some kind of play.(This is after the circus they went to next week.) The thing is that she doesn't send any type of note home. Just tells the kids and then the kids tell their parents. A note would be nice. Tell me where you are going , what play you are going to see, how much and when you want the money, and when you plan on being back. I know others kids are responsible, but mine is not. And what if it is something I do not want my kids to see.
They like to take kids out on field trips alot here in Germany. In fact they get to have my kid more than I do. I can only do so much with him, because he is in school or doing homework or out at some class(ping pong or turnen) or out playing with his friends. I really want my kid back.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 :: ::
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