Lady Liberty
A wife and mother of three. An American in Germany. Not sure how I got here.


Monday, February 28, 2005
Ok, I am opposed to this bill.
First, is a draft of the letter I will be sending to my Sentators and House rep.
Then comes links I used to get my information.
I am going to try to watch the senate hearing on it live on http://indian.senate.gov/ or hope that c-span will show it.

Dear _______,

I am writing to you today about H.R.309, Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005.
I think this a new way to spend more money or at least a way to spend money that is now not constitutional to spend in such a way.
If the Hawiian want there own government let them spend there own money. They should not be asking the ferederal government to subside socialise programs without any over sight to how that money is spent.
If they want true sovernity, let them leave the Union completely. If they wish to preserve, develop, and transmit to future generations of Native Hawaiians their lands, let them buy land then they can do with it what they please. They are afforded the same rights as any other US citizen to practice their religons and pass down their culture. There is no need for a new law to give them these rights. They already have them just like all Americans. But asking the other US citizens to foot the bill for there culture is unamerican.

Please join Senator Kyl, Senator Craig, and Congressman James Sensenbrenner in opposing this bill.

Native Hawiians site


and where I started
Monday, February 28, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Jews and the Sabbath and other musings

Sunday, February 27, 2005
I was wondering how Jews in Germany opperate. Since basiclly nothing is open on Sunday, what do they do that day? My husband and I do big shopping on the weekends. (Aldi twice a month.) We went to look at beds yesterday. This is something a Jewish couple could not do.

Well I did a short walk today with the two smaller one. Almost 2 year old walking and the little one in the carriage. I am not sure how much of the German way of life I can give them.

Bush shut down the city of Mainz and people are pissed. Get over it. That's what it is like when any US president leave the White house. I remember when Bush Sr went to NY once, it took me 3 hours to get home when it normally only takes 1 and 1/2. And I was in NJ. I also remember when Gore was campaigning in NJ the parkway was jammed for hours. My question is this. If mainz was shutdown completely where were all those protester at?
Sunday, February 27, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Bush Snubbed?

Thursday, February 24, 2005
The Sun is reporting that charic snubbed Bush by speaking french at dinner.
Like Bush cares.
You give 2.5 million pounds(about $4.7 million) to my favorite charity, you can call me the n word.
Thursday, February 24, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

What I'm reading.

Ok, I am over half done with Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack.
I am also printing out and reading Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself.

That along with my daily blogs.

Yesterday, I printed out loads of stuff for Volcanos. One of my son's subjects, HSU, deal with the sciences. The topics coming up is fire. If anyone has any links to the subject of fire for a 3rd grade I would be interested. The list includes forest fires, making glass and fireworks. Maybe I could find something under "only you can prevent forest fire".
Thursday, February 24, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Libertarians and totalitarianism

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Jonah Goldberg of the NRO Corner has published a letter from a reader thatsome libertarians would not mind a large government as long as it does not step on there toes. The author must know many faux libertarians. That is by no way the libertarian idea. i have not read anything that would back up such an idea. The author should insist that the person should re think if they are a libertarian.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

nothing big really

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Well, I spent 31€ on a pair of shoes for a child under two. It won't stop snowing here so I had to buy her some boots. Yes, she had a pair of boots but she grew out of them at the end of December. Well, I can use them for the younger one to so it is not to bad.

My son got his report card Friday. Its not to bad, but not good enough to get into Gymnasium. I guess we all have to work a little harder.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Brits misplace plutonium

Friday, February 18, 2005
What did some one put it in the bathroom, but someone else move it to the kicten?

I suggest they look in the refridgeator and the oven. I always double check in there when I looked everywhere else.


yahoo search
Friday, February 18, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

ARD; Monday, Feb. 7

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Tarifgespräche im öffentlichen Dienst
The goverment talking with unions to get their budget in accordance with EU law.

Economy Minister Wolfgang Clement wants to reform tax laws as soon as possible. The only they have been talking about reform for 2 to 3 years. I don't think they are going to make it in time for the 2006 election, but they can try.

CDU/CSU discuss the gains in the extreme right parties. They seem to thimk that it is the lack of jobs that is causing the problem, but as one person said. If they are so disatified with the SPD, then why are they not going to the CDU or the CSU?

More talk of turkey entering the EU. I don't have a problem with Turkey, but they are not Europe.

Treffen in Ramallah Rice's trip to Palastein

US-Haushalt für 2006 bush's budget for 2006

Selbstmordanschläge. People dead in Iraq

18 Tote bei Gasunfall.
Spain's Crown Prince mourns 18 dead in gas leak

Rosenmontag the day before Fats Tuesday and Ash Wenesday.


done. Wow they get alot said in 15 minutes. Yes this is from 8:00 to 8:15. You can see it here.
Thursday, February 10, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink


Wednesday, February 09, 2005
I am in the middle of reading Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack.

This is not about how I payed 13,90 € or how the baby ate started to eat it.

This is about when Powell says the attacking Iraq was not on the table.
No, but they were making up the shopping list.

Off to clean the kitchen.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

This is only a test.

One blog I go to daily is Davids Medienkritik.
In one post he declares that the Germany media will not turn its camera's and pen's inward to the current SPD administration. Exspecially on the current 5 million unemployed.
I will watch ARD the first channel for a week and give you what is on.
Make your own decision.

ARD, Sunday, Feb. 6, 2005

Rice visit.


Voting in Bankok.

The Pope.

Germany's Clement announces plans to cut corporate tax rates

Advertize the round table discussion(withour a round table) later that night
on the 5 million unemployed.

Fußball Skandal



Volcano eruption in Hawaii.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Sorry I am sick.

It seems I came down with that flu that has been going around Germany. I hit me hard. Good thing my husband was home for carnivel.
Will update later.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Why Germany?

Saturday, February 05, 2005
GrandeJolie asks why Germany.
Because I married a German.
I really didn't see it coming. I was more into British accents, but here I am in the country of beer(can't stand the smell and don't drink it).
Actually Germans drink more coffee than beer, but that might vary since I live in Barvaria.
Well, the two younger are up so I have to go.
Will post more later today.
Saturday, February 05, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

Social Security and other things today

Friday, February 04, 2005
I only caught the end of CNBC. Not sure if it was the squawk box, but they were going at it about SS. I wonder if all the debates are this lively.

Germany's unemployment numbers are up. My question is, if there are no jobs then why are foreigners still coming? Some of us in the western world are just to good to take some jobs I guess.

I get to watch WWE tonight. It is a rare treat for me. It comes on 10pm on Friday and my husband hates the show, but he has gone to bed early.
Friday, February 04, 2005 :: 0 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink

First post

Hello to anyone reading this.
I can not believe how nerves I am.
It is not like I have never posted any thing before.

It will take a few days, but I will be trying to make it look nice.
Friday, February 04, 2005 :: 2 comments ::

Lady Liberty :: permalink